Formation as an Alexian Brother |
The Contact Stage When you sense that God may be calling you to be an Alexian Brother, you begin your contact with the Vocation Director, who will help you discern your response to God's call.
Formation Programme Spiritual formation is of primary importance in the training of new members. Christian Discipleship and spiritual formation, go hand in hand. Formation is the process where each Brother, becomes more and more a disciple of Christ. The period of basic formation, prior to final vows, is specified by the Church, as an eight year period. It is divided into stages.
Postulancy Extends over a period of six months, but can be preceded by a six month period of come and see. During this time, men joining us, learn to live the common and spiritual life of the community. It is a time for him and the community to discern the genuineness of his call.
Novitiate The novitiate last for two years. The purpose of the novitiate is to instruct the novice in the essential requirements of the religious life. In the novitiate, the Novice begins to live the religious life and prepares himself for temporary vows. Under the guidance of the director of formation, the Novice learns to be alert and generous to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Temporary Consecration At the end of the Novitiate, the Novice publicly commits himself to God as an Alexian Brother, through temporary vows. Temporary vows are renewed annually. The minimum period of temporary vows, is three years, and no more then six, except under exceptional circumstances. Continuing Formation Growth in the life of Faith is a lifetime journey. As Alexian Brothers, we are called to continue our spiritual formation. We are not called and consecrated once. The journey of growing into Christ, continues throughout life.